Take your small business online in only five steps
Whether you own an existing brick and mortar business or you're building an e-commerce brand, establishing your internet presence is one of the most significant responsibilities you'll ever be tasked with. Unfortunately, many business owners either don't know how to start or fail to follow best practices.
Build a website: Your website is the first thing customers see when they visit your company online. Think of it as your online storefront - where you showcase your products, tell the story of your brand, and provide customers with the information they need.
Get a custom domain name: Your domain name is the web address that only your company can have. It tells you apart from the competition and helps establish credibility.
Set up Google My Business: Probably the most prominent business directory out there, Google My Business can help you display the right information, such as location, phone number, and opening hours, at the right time to the right customers. Plus, with a Google listing, you’re more likely to show up in Google searches when customers are looking for products or services like yours.
Get on social media: There are billions of people active on social media every day. The most popular platforms are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, or Instagram. The social media platforms you choose should reflect your brand. How old is your average customer? Where do they spend their time online? By answering these questions, you’ll quickly find out where your customers are and, consequently, where your company should also be.
Start advertising: Once you’ve completed the first four steps, you’re ready to start advertising online. Creating online ad campaigns can help make your brand more visible on the platforms your customers frequently visit.
Are you still struggling with how to get started?
Additional Resources
Ready to dig a little deeper into making your online business a success? Contact us for a free consultation: